Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Went to Stonehenge for the first time,.... what a spectacular site! The stones are carefully placed in a beautiful green landscape. Who ever or what ever placed the stones there knew what they were doing. Dotted around the landscape, are round barrows. There is a tranquil and reminiscent aura in that area. Perharps its all the dead people around the place. What ever it is, the visit was worth it.

Mystery surrounds this 5,000 year old World Heritage Site. As old as the pyramids in Egypt, was Stonehenge designed as a place of sun worship, or as part of a huge astronomical calendar? Each monument was a circular structure, aligned with the rising sun at the solstice. Erected between 3,000 BC and 1,600 BC, the stones were carried hundreds of miles over land and sea, while antlers and bones were used to dig the pits that hold the stones. An awe-inspiring family visit, Stonehenge is a powerful reminder of the once-great Stone and Bronze

One day at Victoria train station in London, i came across this huge sculpture in the middle of the busy station. It was of a life size photo booth, and a giant lady laying across the floor, with her burst in it. The lady was wearing a skirt with tights, which is the current fashion trend, with a tattoo on her lower back. What a pleasant surprise.

The London Design Festival was established in 2003 as an annual event to celebrate and promote London and the UK’s design creativity. It is an umbrella brand that brings together a diverse and unique group of partner organisations from across a range of sectors to stage London's biggest annual design event.

I was walking around Manchester city when i came across a rough narrow path that led to the Rochdale canal. I found 2 couples who decided to tour Manchester and the surrounding area, via the canal. What a great idea.

The Canal offers an alternative view to Manchester, rising as it does, mostly unseen by the bustling traffic above, and occasionally emerging into pleasant aspects where bystanders invariably stop to watch this ancient ritual enacted.
Towards the top of the flight, the canal tunnels beneath a 20 storey office block, into a subterranean cavern where the canal cuts through the enormous concrete pillars which support the building overhead.
The Rochdale Canal company was transferred across to the Waterways Trust in August 2000, and all running of the canal has been contracted out to British Waterways since then.
